Chapter 12

It’s Not A “Yikes!” It’s A “Wow!”

The Bible validates the truth that sharing our faith is the most integral part of our faith. Yet we can’t share what we don’t have! But when we have wholehearted, unwavering faith, we can’t stop from sharing it and enjoying it.

Life Application

Tell us about a ‘surprise moment’ of your own, where God gave you an unexpected opportunity to impact a life.

  • What’s the biggest obstacle in sharing your faith today?
  • Since you started this study, what faith sharing experiences have you had where a life was impacted and yours was ignited?

Scriptures for Deeper Reflection

Faithfulness in the small things opens the door for God’s trust and blessings: Matthew 25:23 (NLT)

We never know how long it might take for the seed we sow to take root: Matthew 13:5 (NIV)

No more excuses; there’s no training required to love on people: John 13:35 (NIV)

Every faith-sharing experience, regardless how bad, leads people closer to Jesus: Isaiah 55:11 (NKJV)

God listens to your prayers when you do His will— living for His purpose: John 9:31 (NLT)

Sharing your faith explodes your faith with limitless possibilities: John 9:31 (GW)

Videos/Articles to inspire your faith

Share Your Faith Without Fear

Do you have trouble getting out of your comfort zone and sharing your faith with others?

People Don’t Get Mad When You Say This

No matter where people are at in their walk with God, no one gets mad at you for telling them this wonderful news.

Tough Questions Are Fun

Are you afraid of sharing your faith and being asked tough questions by a nonbeliever?

10 Ways to Start Conversations

Most people don’t share their faith because they’re unsure what to say. Here are 10 easy ways to begin a God-focused conversation!

Chapter 13

Why the Mandate?

God’s mandate to us is to share the Gospel. But the disconnect most Christians have between their faith and their everyday lives is staggering. Most are for more energized by politics, their job, their relationships, or even football than what’s happening in their own relationship with God. Does that describe you?

Life Application

What does God’s mandate mean for your life and how does that play out?

  • Did you know that we’re mandated to share our faith?
  • Are you energized by your relationship with God?

Scriptures for Deeper Reflection

The only thing you can treasure now and in heaven is those you lead to Jesus: Matthew 6:19–21 (NLT)

Knowing that sharing your faith gives God joy makes life bigger than life: Nehemiah 8:10 (NKJV)

Only 10 percent of our pulpits are “equipping the saints” (us) for ministry: Ephesians 4:11–12 (ESV)

Always being ready to share God’s love keeps you gentle and respectful: 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV)

Insane decisions are made by unbelievers blinded by Satan: 2 Corinthians 4:4 (NIV)

Comparing yourself to Paul and the apostles will keep you humble: 1 Corinthians 4:16 (NIV)

Here’s the problem—pastors have stopped sending us to reach the lost: Romans 10:14–15 (NLT)

End-time prophecies are already being fulfilled: Luke 21:28 (KJV)

The pressure is off when the Holy Spirit is giving you the words to say: Luke 12:12 (NLT)

Your faith and testimony will get you through whatever lies ahead: Revelation 12:11 (NIV)

Videos/Articles to inspire your faith

Why Sharing is Mandated

Why does God view sharing your faith as the dominant task of your walk with Him?

Whom Shall You Serve?

Barry talks to us about our personal responsibility to not only know the Bible, but to share the Gospel.

The Faith Mandate

The #1 obstacle to sharing your faith isn’t what you think. Listen to find out more.

The “First Work” of Every Christian

How often do you talk about Jesus?

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