Chapter 24
The Church is in turmoil and even your Christian friends are espousing things you know are unscriptural. You have a choice and God is holding you accountable. And not just you, but the influence you have on those around you! Ezekiel 3:17-18, (KJV).
Life Application
God is holding us accountable: Ezekiel 3:17-18 (KJV)
This is not the time to be half-hearted with God: Matthew 6:24 (KJV)
Being half-hearted ends God’s obligation to answer your prayers: James 1:6–8 (KJV)
Living in God’s “undeserved privilege” compels you to share His glory: Romans 5:1–2 (NLT)
We’re saved by grace and created for good works: Ephesians 2:8–10 (NKJV)
There’s no greater high than the high that comes from leading someone to Jesus: Luke 15:10 (NKJV)
If you’re a Christian, you can’t escape the fact that everything you say and do is moving everyone watching you closer or further away from Jesus.
How many people would each of us have to share our faith with in order for God to spark revival in America?
You can’t force Christianity, but are you willing to share your testimony to draw people closer to God?
Our results-oriented mindset is a good one, except when we’re sharing our faith—and that’s hard for us to understand.
Chapter 25
Bible prophecy describes the last days we are in, especially 2 Timothy 3:1-4 (NIV). So many Christians cringe when they hear the word “rapture,” but you only do that when you don’t want to let go of this world! Time is short, the signs of the times are real, and millions of people need the salvation Jesus offers.
Life Application
Do you want to face almighty God knowing you didn’t warn others?
Do you want to miss out on being part of what may be the last and greatest revival of all time? You’re running out of time!
Who or what owns your heart?: Matthew 6:19–20 (NKJV)
We're about to see Jesus face-to-face forever: 1 Thessalonians 4:16–17 (KJV)
God wants to use you these days for His glory: Ephesians 5:15–17 (NLT)
Are you focused on God's time clock or yours?: Matthew 24:37 (NLT)
It will happen in the "blink of an eye": 1 Corinthians 15:52 (NLT)
When you're in the battle, nothing can happen to you unless God allows it: Ephesians 6:13 (NLT)
Meanwhile, Satan and our own hearts are trying to deceive us: Jeremiah 17:9 (NLT)
Bible prophecy describes the days we are in: 2 Timothy 3:1–4 (NIV)
It's always God's timing, not yours: James 5:7–8 (ESV)
Anything you love more than God separates you from God: 1 John 2:15–17 (NLT)
As it was in the days of Noah: Genesis 6:5 (NLT)
We only reside on this earth for 100 years or so and then there’s Eternity. How can we have a Kingdom mindset?
All of us are called to seek and save the lost, just like Jesus, in the midst of our chaos and hardships. Do you?
What will you be doing when the trumpet sounds?
None of the chaos we’re experiencing today would be happening without our consent!
Chapter 26
The Bible demonstrates many times that heaven and hell are eternal. Many people refuse to think about eternity—they’re too busy, too important, or acting like they’ll live forever. But you have three choices: you can believe hell doesn’t exist, sit on the bench, or ignite your life!
Life Application
Your name is entered into the Lamb's Book of Life when you're saved: Revelation 20:15 (NLT)
Those who don't accept salvation will be banished forever from the presence of the Lord: 2 Thessalonians 1:9 (NLT); Matthew 13:50 (NIV); Matthew 25:41 (NIV)
God would prefer that you be either cold or hot!: Revelation 3:15–17 (NIV)
Eternal life is God's gift, but we earn hell: Romans 6:23 (NLT)
When we bear fruit, God's joy remains with us: John 15:11 (ESV)
Heaven and hell are eternal: Matthew 25:46 (NLT)
It's appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment: Revelation 21:8 (NLT)
There are consequences for those who don't bear fruit: John 15:5–6 (NLT); Matthew 25:14–30 (ESV)
The fear (awe) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: Matthew 10:28 (NLT)
The torment in hell never ends: Mark 9:46 (NKJV); Revelation 14:10 (NIV)
The "lostness" of your unsaved friends is all the motivation you need: Isaiah 43:10 (NKJV)
What can you do to excite others into having an encounter with God? This simple answer may surprise you.
There’s no greater gift to give your Christian friends than this. Don’t wait!
How many people will be in Heaven because of our influence?
Find out why sharing your faith is not optional for us Christians.
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