Tough Questions Are Fun

Even those who’ve attended church for decades are afraid of being asked questions they can’t answer. But no one expects you to have all the answers. You’re not a Pastor and you’re not a Bible Scholar. So all pressure on this point is self-imposed. Jesus said they’ll know you’re His disciple by your love — not your Bible knowledge.

Having said that, people are searching for answers to their questions and God has answers for every one of them. Your goal is to connect their questions to His Answers and that’s where the fun begins.

It’s so easy! When you don’t have an answer to a question, simply tell the person you don’t have the answer, but God does. And then ask their permission to pray for them over the next few days as you search the scriptures for the answer. They’ll never say no.

Set a time for your next meeting and then watch your Prayer Life and Bible Study explode over those next few days. With the pressure on you to connect the right scriptures with the question being asked, your Bible Study and Prayers will ignite with razor-sharp focus and purpose. It will change everything! And God will always provide the answer you’re looking for. Always!

When your cry is for knowledge and you seeketh her as silver and searchest for her as for hidden treasure, then shalt thou understand and find the knowledge of God…for the Lord giveth wisdom Proverbs 2:4-6. Here’s the best part: Sharing God’s inspired answers to questions being asked by seekers is guaranteed to put a bounce in your step. And through the process, your own understanding of God increases. It’s a Double Blessing!

It’s a Team Sport

In this day and age, almost no one comes to the Lord in one step. It’s a process that has many steps along the way, including pastoral sermons, messages heard on TV and radio, articles read, and listening to Christians sharing their faith or being observed from a distance. Seeds are constantly being sown and some take longer than others to germinate. Some fall on hard ground and never germinate.

It’s interesting that a seed has its own energy source and remains dormant until it’s in the right environment. In like form, spiritual seeds sown into the lives of unbelievers often remain dormant until the right environment is achieved…the most common being a life challenge that God is using to get their attention.

The average person hears the Gospel message seven or more times before making their Eternal Decision. That’s why lots of seeds need to be sown into the lives of unbelievers. And it’s why God’s Purpose for Your Life is to move everyone, every day, closer to Jesus. It’s a rare occasion when you get to be the one to actually lead them across the finish line.

Ultimately, their decision will be largely influenced by their positive or negative perception of the Christians in their lives…including you. Whether you like it or not, you’re viewed by the world as an expert witness, either for the defense or the prosecution of the Gospel. You can’t escape it. Either way you’re a witness!

You’ll rarely know where unbelievers are in their spiritual journey. What you do know is that they’re on a journey, the Holy Spirit is dealing with them and you’re one of many people God’s appointed to lead them to Him. Here’s a good tip: Every time you finish leading someone closer to God, pray for their increased sensitivity to God and ask the Holy Spirit to hasten their next spiritual encounter. On rare occasions, you will have the privilege to be there at the right time to actually help someone make that ultimate decision. Whenever that happens, praise God for all of those who played their own role in that person’s Salvation. Indeed, it’s a Team Sport!

Salvation Is Not Your Responsibility

Most of us are results oriented. Being stopped at the one-yard line is not our idea of success. If we don’t score the touchdown, we’re a loser. Life is about competition, winning and celebrating victories. That’s our mindset and it’s a good one, except when we’re sharing our faith — then that’s a difficult pill for most of us to swallow. There’s nothing more heartbreaking than the hardened heart of someone you’ve shared your faith with, staying resolute in their rejection of God’s Gift of Eternal Life.

But we can’t save anyone. That’s beyond our pay grade. We didn’t send our only begotten Son to die on the cross or pay the ultimate price that Jesus paid as a sacrifice for our sins. Only God can forgive sins and give the Gift of Eternal Life. Our calling, our purpose in life, is to be His Witnesses. Here’s the bottom line, whether we like it or not, every Christian is viewed by the world as an expert witness either for the defense or the prosecution of God’s relationship with mankind. Everything you say and do is either moving people toward God or away from God — and there are serious consequences for not being on the right side of that equation.

God’s appointed us as “Watchmen on the Wall.” We’re told in Ezekiel 33 if we warn those under our influence that the enemy is coming and they refuse to heed our warning, they’ll die in their sin. But if we don’t warn them, they’ll die in their sin but their blood will be on our hands. God holds us responsible for how we use the influence He’s given us.

Rejection Is a Blessing

The fear of rejection is a serious impediment to most faith sharers. At the very least, fear leads to timidity and often stops Christians from sharing their faith altogether. The old adages of “you shouldn’t talk about politics and religion,” “to each his own,” “different strokes for different folks,” and “you have no right to impose your thoughts on other people” are inherent in our culture but contrary to scripture. People are lost, but how are they going to know unless someone tells them? Unless you tell them?

The image of the bearded man with a sign saying “The End is Near” or “Jesus Saves” comes to mind real fast. Indeed, it’s possible to have a heart for the lost and yet, with the best of intentions, push people away from God. While the message of the Gospel is sacred and we dare not change it, our methods for reaching the lost may vary widely depending on those we’re trying to reach. This is where the leading of the Holy Spirit becomes extremely intimate.

God’s already working with everyone with whom we come in contact. And every time we have a spiritual conversation, we’re entering into a sacred relationship, already in process, as a third-party endorser. That adds an entirely new dimension to every faith sharing experience.

Jesus told us in John 13:35 that they’ll know you’re His disciples by your love. As a church, we’ve become quite proficient at telling people they’re going to Hell while failing miserably at telling people how much God loves them. That message stops most people in their tracks. Most people feel they’re separated from God’s love or that God couldn’t love them after all the things they’ve done.

It’s often fun to watch the response after telling someone God loves them, followed by saying God loves them as much as He’s ever loved anyone, followed by saying God loves them as much as He loves His Own Son, Jesus Christ. Most people are not offended by the message of God’s love and His desire for them to spend Eternity with Him in Heaven.

Nevertheless, rejection and ridicule are always a possibility for those actively sharing their faith. It boils down to whether you fear God or fear man. Are you more afraid of offending God or offending man? Putting it in that perspective, there’s no contest. Matthew 10:33 tells us whoever denies Me before man, I will also deny before My Father in Heaven. Moving everyone, every day, closer to Jesus is your guarantee that God will never deny you before His Father.

There is, however, an additional silver lining. There’s a special blessing for those who suffer rejection. During His Sermon on the Mount, captured in Mathew 5, Jesus said that blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for My Sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in Heaven…

The Multiplication Factor

There’s nothing in the human experience that rivals the joy and blessings and faith that’s promised to those who hold God’s Purpose as their purpose for life — leading people to Jesus — wanting none to be lost!

That’s why there’s no greater gift to give your Christian friends than to lead them into this amazing “Sweet Spot” with God. An added bonus is that it will take every friendship to a higher level with conversations focused on each others life-changing encounters with other people…orchestrated by God. There’s nothing that compares with the exhilaration of those conversations and their eternal significance.

And you can lift your own spirits by enjoying life-changing stories from people, just like yourself, all over the country anytime you want, via

It’s About Free Choice

The most prevalent questions like — Why would a Holy God send good people to Hell? or Why would a Good God allow bad things to happen? — all relate to the basic clash between good and evil which predates Adam and Eve. Having Free Choice to choose between good and evil has always been the defining element of God’s Master Plan!

In order for us to have Free Choice, both options have to be on the table. Both have to be readily available and equally attractive for vastly different reasons. In His Infinite Wisdom, God allows each of us to choose between living to satisfy our own desires, following Satan’s lead into depravity or Honoring Him in everything we do. It’s our Free Choice!

Without Free Choice, we’d be relegated to a robotic existence preprogrammed to say, I love you God, on command. There would be no “us” as individuals and no way for us to grow into a personal relationship with our Creator. A loving relationship is unattainable unless it’s optional for both parties.

He could have created an antiseptic world, free from everything bad and harmful…or painful or sad or stressful or anxious or horrifying. Or He could give us Free Choice — allowing us to choose between doing bad or good — depending on ourselves and suffering the consequences, or depending on Him and enjoying His Blessings. Even with all the misery man has brought on himself by making bad decisions, thank God for Free Choice! No one wants to be a robot!

God is Omnipresent with His Holy Spirit continually revealing and attempting to draw you closer to Jesus and empower you to tell others about Him. This is in stark contrast to the forces of evil that are forcefully at work in our world today. All of us are in the middle of this dynamic.

Ignite Everyone!

Even on a broader basis, there’s nothing more exciting and fun than telling everyone your latest God-Inspired encounter that moved someone closer to Jesus. And every time you tell your latest story, it excites others into wanting to have the same kind of experiences in their own lives. That’s how easy it is to ignite everyone into full-time ministry.

It happens naturally! You always want to tell someone what happened after you experience a God-Orchestrated moment. Even you can’t believe it! And everyone listening is always moved closer to ignition by the pureness of your joy and exhilaration…because every Christian longs for the Joy of the Lord that’s promised (in John 15:11) to those who bear fruit.

Here’s the key: Once a Christian experiences the exhilaration that comes by the Sharing of their faith, there’s no turning back. It’s the ultimate “multilevel marketing program,” enlisting others to multiply your message tenfold. This is the key ingredient for a successful rebellion!

Nothing motivates Christians to share their faith faster than listening to normal Christians who are more excited about leading people to Jesus than anything else in their lives — because it’s not normal! No one expects normal Christians to be supernormally/supernaturally used by God on a daily basis to lead people to Him. But that’s the “normal’ God intends for all of us to live by and experience.

Every time you share your stories, other people will want to have their own stories to tell that will encourage others to have theirs. Only God knows the ultimate number of people who will come to Christ if you make the sharing of your faith your highest priority. Only God knows how many times that number can be multiplied by all the Christians you ignite into sharing their faith.

That’s the opportunity before you right now! And this is how we’re going to IgniteAmerica with Revival!

Who Rules Our World?

To accomplish His Goals, God made Satan the “ruler of this world” within specific guidelines. Fortunately he can only deceive unbelievers. In II Corinthians 4:4 we’re told that Satan, who is the God of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. With God’s Permission, Satan blinds the minds of unbelievers so they cannot discern false philosophies that become like fortresses in which they are imprisoned.

Looking through God’s eyes, this is America today. As a post-Christian society, most Americans are imprisoned by depraved, satanic-inspired philosophies that are beyond the comprehension of those of us who live in the light. Nothing else explains the laws being passed, the anger being expressed and the rationale being given for all things contrary to God…by otherwise good and well-educated people who are defenseless against Satan’s power to use them as pawns for his purposes.

Without exaggeration, and clearly described by Scripture, Satan has become the prevailing authority in America. He’s taken control of America and it’s time to take our country back! But make no mistake about it: The future of America will never be decided by man’s wisdom or politics, but by it’s choice for who is God. This is Epic Spiritual Warfare that can only be fought and won by the Sword of the Spirit (The Word of God) living and working through His Church (Every one of us) moving everyone, every day, closer to Jesus for His Glory… Igniting America with Revival.

Matthew 10:33 tells us whoever denies me before man, I will deny before my Father in Heaven. If you’re a follower of Jesus Christ, this is the time for you to stand up and be counted and recognize our enemy for who he is. By our silence, we’ve allowed him to wreak havoc on America. Ephesians 6:12 explains it well: We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. We’ve allowed Satan to have his way with America long enough!