A rebellion is described as an open resistance to an established authority. Everywhere you look and every newscast you hear tells you that Satan has become the established authority over America. We’re absolutely out of control. And just like the Children of Israel, we have to recognize that our only hope is in the Lord and the restoration of His Blessings.
It’s time for every believer to incite rebellion against the force that’s taken authority over America, by unleashing the Power of God’s Love on everyone, every day in the name of Jesus and for His Glory! It’s that simple!
Our Biggest Challenge: The fields are white for harvest but the laborers are few. Now that you’re on the team, your focus has to be twofold. Your highest priority is moving everyone, every day, closer to Jesus. This is your full-time ministry every moment of every day.

Your second focus carries equal importance. The task of evangelizing America is within our grasps but none of us can do it alone. It’s going to require all of us working together, as the Body of Christ, to turn America’s Heart back to God. That’s what IgniteAmerica.com is all about.
While America has turned it’s back on God, we still have critical mass! There are more than 35 million solid believers in our ranks and every one of us has influence over at least 10 nonbelievers. That’s influence that more than permeates the entirety of our adult population! God’s given us all the influence we need to turn America’s Heart back to Him. It’s up to us!
The challenge is not to reach 90% of America. The Challenge is to mobilize the 10% of Americans who are already in the Word and on their knees praying for America…to actively use their influence to move everyone, every day, closer to Jesus. When Christians are seen as loving people rather than beating people into Heaven, America’s perception of Christians and Christianity will change and we’ll Ignite America with Revival!
That’s why it’s as important for you to incite revival in your Christian friends as it is for you to share God’s Love with the unchurched. We’re talking Holy Ghost/God-Inspired Revival across America that will absolutely happen when 35 million of us turn our lights back on and chase away the darkness. But getting there requires all of us inciting revival in every Christian we know.