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Who Rules Our World?

To accomplish His Goals, God made Satan the “ruler of this world” within specific guidelines. Fortunately he can only deceive unbelievers. In II Corinthians 4:4 we’re told that Satan, who is the God of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. With God’s Permission, Satan blinds the minds of unbelievers so

Join The Rebellion!

A rebellion is described as an open resistance to an established authority. Everywhere you look and every newscast you hear tells you that Satan has become the established authority over America. We’re absolutely out of control. And just like the Children of Israel, we have to recognize that our only hope is in the Lord

Ignite Everyone!

Even on a broader basis, there’s nothing more exciting and fun than telling everyone your latest God-Inspired encounter that moved someone closer to Jesus. And every time you tell your latest story, it excites others into wanting to have the same kind of experiences in their own lives. That’s how easy it is to ignite

It’s About Free Choice

The most prevalent questions like — Why would a Holy God send good people to Hell? or Why would a Good God allow bad things to happen? — all relate to the basic clash between good and evil which predates Adam and Eve. Having Free Choice to choose between good and evil has always been

The Multiplication Factor

There’s nothing in the human experience that rivals the joy and blessings and faith that’s promised to those who hold God’s Purpose as their purpose for life — leading people to Jesus — wanting none to be lost! That’s why there’s no greater gift to give your Christian friends than to lead them into this

test page

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In est ante, pretium et, cursus quis, nonummy ut, lacus. Morbi volutpat ante ac elit. Phasellus gravida. Vestibulum egestas interdum est. Aenean quis nisi vitae ante pretium convallis. Matthew 1:1. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur non justo. Sed massa. Aenean diam lectus, aliquet vel, blandit sed, euismod in, tortor.

About Community

For decades, we’ve taught, preached and believed that sharing our faith is an option and we’re suffering the consequences. With less than 20% of our population still going to Church regularly, Satan has filled the void of our Godless Society with unprecedented dis-function, anger and obscenity. As it was with Children of Israel in the

2018 Winter Olympics – Facing Failure

The thrills of victory and agony of defeat provide the “Hot Topics” of the Olympics and the visuals that stay with us. This is a red ‘Hot Topic’ for those on the verge of defeat, in some part of their lives, and have no idea how to cope with it. The faces on the fallen athletes reflect our options ranging from sobs to…

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