Archives: Bible Study
Intimacy With God!
Are You Part of the Problem Or Part of the Solution?
Get Off the Bench And Into the Game
It’s Never Been Easier to Share Your Faith!
Are You a ‘First Love’ Christian?
Sharing your faith “God’s way” can become the most fun thing you do in life! It can open the door to a life full of joy and happiness and wholehearted faith. Yet most evangelicals have come to believe that just being a ‘good person’ is sharing their faith. But being a good person, doing good things, doesn’t get you or anyone else into Heaven. When your actions match your words, God will use your words to lead people to Him. The biggest reason we’ve stopped sharing our faith is that we’ve lost our faith.
God Has One Purpose!
A hundred years from now, the only thing that will matter is how many people will be in Heaven because of your influence. This is what life is about! When you love your neighbor as yourself, you’re as concerned for their Salvation as you are your own. So many Christians search for God’s purpose their entire lives and never find it—because God never said He has a purpose for our lives! To the contrary, God demonstrates in Romans 8:28 that He has a plan for us to live for His purposes, to seek and save the lost—to move everyone, every day, closer to Jesus.
How To Experience the Joy of the Lord Every Day!
There’s a vast difference between happiness and joy! Happiness wavers and is based on circumstances. On the other hand, joy has nothing to do with circumstances and everything to do with your relationship with God. Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV). instructs us to trust the Lord with our whole heart—with unwavering faith. Everything you say and do is moving everyone watching you closer or further away from God. When your life mirrors your references to God, the lost will want to have what you have. All of us are walking advertisements for God. The question is: Do people want to buy what you have?
God’s Plan for Your Life!
Life is about Redemption. “Why did God make us?” and, “What is the purpose of life?” have been two of the most common questions since time began, and both are resolved with a one-word answer: Redemption. The purpose of our entire lives, for those of us who accept His gift, is the Redemption of every life that comes under our influence. Our riches aren’t found in our possessions but in God’s Salvation, and that requires us to do everything we can do to reach the lost before it’s too late.