In this day and age, almost no one comes to the Lord in one step. It’s a process that has many steps along the way, including pastoral sermons, messages heard on TV and radio, articles read, and listening to Christians sharing their faith or being observed from a distance. Seeds are constantly being sown and some take longer than others to germinate. Some fall on hard ground and never germinate.
In this day and age, almost no one comes to the Lord in one step. It’s a process that has many steps along the way, including pastoral sermons, messages heard on TV and radio, articles read, and listening to Christians sharing their faith or being observed from a distance. Seeds are constantly being sown and some take longer than others to germinate. Some fall on hard ground and never germinate.
It’s interesting that a seed has its own energy source and remains dormant until it’s in the right environment. In like form, spiritual seeds sown into the lives of unbelievers often remain dormant until the right environment is achieved…the most common being a life challenge that God is using to get their attention.
The average person hears the Gospel message seven or more times before making their Eternal Decision. That’s why lots of seeds need to be sown into the lives of unbelievers. And it’s why God’s Purpose for Your Life is to move everyone, every day, closer to Jesus. It’s a rare occasion when you get to be the one to actually lead them across the finish line.
Ultimately, their decision will be largely influenced by their positive or negative perception of the Christians in their lives…including you. Whether you like it or not, you’re viewed by the world as an expert witness, either for the defense or the prosecution of the Gospel. You can’t escape it. Either way you’re a witness!
You’ll rarely know where unbelievers are in their spiritual journey. What you do know is that they’re on a journey, the Holy Spirit is dealing with them and you’re one of many people God’s appointed to lead them to Him. Here’s a good tip: Every time you finish leading someone closer to God, pray for their increased sensitivity to God and ask the Holy Spirit to hasten their next spiritual encounter. On rare occasions, you will have the privilege to be there at the right time to actually help someone make that ultimate decision. Whenever that happens, praise God for all of those who played their own role in that person’s Salvation. Indeed, it’s a Team Sport!
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