IgniteAmerica Year-End Report

It’s like everything up until now has been the prelude for what we’re now experiencing! Ignite is exploding in all directions! Every arm of our ministry is bearing “much fruit.”
Our Amazon Best Seller, Ignite Your Life: Defeat Fear with Effortless Faith has exceeded all expectations. Hundreds of 5-Star reviews report instant ignition into “Moving Everyone, Every Day, Closer to Jesus,” AND having fun with zero training. Most Christians have no idea how easy it is to share their faith, ignite their lives, and defeat fear effortlessly.
Our Ignite Your Life Bible Study is taking thousands of ignited faith sharers into an entirely new level of joy in their lives. When you bear fruit, My joy will remain with you and your joy will remain full (John 10:11). The joy of the Lord is your strength! Bad things happen, but bad days are gone!
We’re reaching millions of listeners with our daily Ignite with Barry Meguiar one-minute inspiration features on over 1,000 Christian radio stations. Millions have viewed us on Daystar, CBN, 700 Club, Flashpoint, Huckabee, Eric Metaxas, Charlie Kirk, and “Happening Now” with Jack Hibbs. In addition, our Op-eds in publications like the Washington Times are exposing us to an entirely new audience.
We’re now enjoying hundreds of thousands of followers across our social media platforms, including Pray.com, where we became their No. 1 viewed Sunday Service. Our Ignite with Barry Meguiar podcast has become a global podcast, with listeners and subscribers worldwide, and hundreds of thousands of Seeking God cards are being used all over the world, that turn short conversations into life commitment conversions!
Here’s the exciting part! Every person we ignite is impacting lives every day! If they only impact one life a day, that’s 365 lives a year times the hundreds of thousands we’ve already ignited to share their faith. It’s the ultimate multilevel marketing program and one of the best investments you have available to you!
Are You Ready to IgniteAmerica?
The advantage of your investing with us is our ability to instantly ignite Christians from never sharing their faith to sharing their faith every day, with zero training. Check out our Amazon reviews!
With limited funding, we’ve ignited hundreds of thousands of believers who are reaching millions of people who would otherwise be lost. It’s unbelievable the lives were reaching with so few dollars spent.
Now we need your help to ignite millions of Christians to reach the tens of millions who are searching for God. The Election has sent shock waves throughout America, with most “nonbelievers” knowing God is up to something. That’s opportunity knocking! Because they don’t go to church, their only hope is us and now they’re ready to listen to us.
Without question, Americans have had enough of hate speech and divisiveness. Throughout every demographic, Americans are looking for a path forward to peace and love and happiness. That’s your opportunity to move everyone, every day, closer to Jesus!
No Training Required!
Thank God for the millions of Christians who were reached with classical Evangelism programs. But God’s call to go into the world and tell people about Him is not limited to trained people.
Jesus said they will know you’re His Disciple by your love (John 13:35) . . . and you don’t need to be trained how to love. We’re igniting thousands of Christians to have fun sharing their faith without training.
Your Gift Will Ignite Revival!
This is not hyped to attract your attention. Neither is it overstated. Instantly igniting Christians into full-time faith sharing is our reality. It’s what we do better than anyone else.
We’ve done the heavy lifting! It’s working! Now we need your help taking our message to the masses, impacting millions of Christians, and tens of millions of people who will remain lost – until we tell them God loves them! That’s the cry of our hearts!
Our path to Revival is doing what we’re already doing, on a far larger scale. Will you help make that possible? How big of a Revival would you like to start?
Barry’s podcast destroys all the fears of faith sharing by understanding how sharing your faith ignites your faith – and your life!
Now you can capture the details every time you promise to pray for someone, send follow-up emails, and be alerted before time sensitive events (ie: surgeries) begin. Never again promise to pray and then fail to pray!
Free Bible Study Available Now
Ignite your faith, grow closer to God, and learn how to share with others the Good News through Barry’s brand-new Bible Study. Being a joyful Christian is possible today! Receive free access to all 9 Lesson Guides and Videos by entering your name and email address below.