Even those who’ve attended church for decades are afraid of being asked questions they can’t answer. But no one expects you to have all the answers. You’re not a pastor and you’re not a Bible scholar. So all pressure on this point is self-imposed. Jesus said they’d know you’re His disciple by your love – not by your Bible knowledge.
Having said that, people are searching for answers to their questions and God has answers for every one of them. Your goal is to connect their questions to His answers and that’s where the fun begins.
It’s so easy! When you don’t have an answer to a question, simply tell the person you don’t have the answer to their question … but God does. And then ask their permission to pray for them over the next few days as you search the scriptures for the answer. They’ll never say no.
Set a time for your next meeting and then watch your Prayer Life and Bible Study explode over those next few days. With the pressure on you to connect the right scriptures with the question being asked, your Bible Study and Prayers are ignited with razor sharp focus and purpose. It changes everything!
Of course, there will be times when you won’t be able to find or explain an answer from your own Scripture study. Those are times when you can seek out your pastor or another believer who can help provide you with an answer. You can also check out the “Answering Tough Questions” page on the Ignite America website where we have posted questions and answers to help support you as you share your faith. There is a search feature on this page that will help you find the answer to your question quickly and easily.
If you don’t find the question and answer that you’re are looking for, there are two other ways that you can get help on the Ignite America site.
First, you are welcome to use the “Ask a Question” form on the Answering Tough Questions page. When you use the form, we’ll do two things. First, we’ll find an answer and send it to you by email quickly so that you can respond in a timely manner. Second, we’ll post the question and answer on the Answering Tough Questions page so other people who have this question will have an answer right at their finger tips.
Second, you can also connect with people who are passionate and experienced at sharing their faith in the Ignite America Community where you will find forums including: Answers to Tough Questions. While you must be a member of the Community to access or participate in the forums, membership is free and all that is required to become a member is to create a username and personal password.
Whether it is through personal Bible study, speaking to your pastor or information from the Ignite America site, God will always provide the answer you’re looking for. Always! When your cry is for knowledge and you seeketh her as silver and searchest for her as for hidden treasure, then shalt thou understand and find the knowledge of God … for the Lord giveth wisdom. Proverbs 2:4-6 (paraphrased).
Here’s the best part: Sharing God’s inspired answers to questions being asked by seekers is guaranteed to put a bounce in your step. God’s actually using you to minister to and help another person on their journey of faith in Jesus! As you meet with your friend to discuss the answer, you might find that he or she is ready to make a faith decision. And thru the process, your own understanding of God is greatly increased. It’s a Double Blessing!