Jennifer has been sharing her faith for a long time. “It’s such an honor,” she says. “It should not be a burden and something we feel like we have to do. No, it’s something we get to do!” Listen to what happened the last time she put on her “holy listening ears” while ordering a meal from a stressed-out waitress at a restaurant – and how you can listen for opportunities to tell others about Jesus, too.
When You Get the Nudge, You Have to Obey – Emmanuel Hernandez
It was a moment Emmanuel will never forget. On a Friday at his high school, he had gotten “the nudge” from the Holy Spirit to talk about the Lord with the popular guy in his class. But Emmanuel didn’t act on it right away. And what happened next was tragic, but it’s the reason Emmanuel now shares his faith every opportunity he gets. Be motivated to obey the nudge, too, and share your faith.
People Are Hungry for What We Have – Renee Vinson
Have you ever prayed for someone for months — perhaps even a year — before you shared the Gospel with them? How about someone in your workplace who everyone considers a “tyrant”? Would you be willing to pray for them, build a relationship and boldly share the love of Christ with them? Renee did, and you can ask the Lord to prepare you and any person you want to witness to as well. Learn more from Renee’s incredible example.
“But I just bought this Bible.” – Joseph Vasquez
A growing relationship with Jesus always impacts others. That’s what Joseph experienced at his job where he took his new Bible. When a coworker asked about it, Joseph shared what he was reading. Then, one day, the Holy Spirit told Joseph to share his Bible with the coworker —as in give it away. Find out how Joseph responded and how God will use your relationship with Him to build His Kingdom.
God Gives Second Chances … And Thirds and Fourths and Fifths – Carmen Lewis
Leave it to God to use the mess we make in our lives as our message to draw others to Him! That’s what happened to Carmen who overcame a years’ long struggle with drugs and alcohol. When her employee confessed his struggle with drinking, Carmen was ready to help. Find out how God will guide you as well to help others know He gives second chances — and thirds and fourths and fifths!
Want to Receive the Lord into Your Heart? No … I’m Not Ready – Dave Cox
After Dave prayed for a man with cancer, there were tears streaming down the man’s face. Dave then excitedly asked the man if he wanted to receive the Lord into his heart. And the answer? “No. I’m not ready.” Dave couldn’t believe it! But that’s not the end of the story. Find out how the Lord continues to work — even when it seems like your faith-sharing moment did not.
What Goes in Must Come Out – Britney Vasquez
“What’s filled within you is going to overflow out,” Britney says. And on the day the Lord was showing her about His unchanging love in a world that is constantly changing, Britney couldn’t help but share what was in her heart to someone at her workplace. “I just blurted it out,” she says. WATCH what she said and how you can show others who God is — it’s easier than you might think!
Age Is Just a Number – Aaron Breeze
Aaron didn’t let a 67-year age gap stand in the way of talking about Jesus. Only 20 at the time, Aaron immediately saw the brokenness and depression in the eyes of the elderly woman he met on a park bench. But soon she heard about the joy Jesus came to fill her with if she believed. Find out what she decided, and learn how anybody – including you – can share their faith.
All You’ve Got to Do Is Pay Attention – Jenni Krippner
Jenni saw a man at Walmart who kept looking at an air mattress but wasn’t buying. Finally, she approached him and found he couldn’t afford it. “There’s been a time in my life when I was in need,” Jenni told him. “God sent somebody to take care of me, and now He’s sending me to take care of you.” Hear the rest of this story and learn how you can see and reach the hungry souls in your life, too.
He Followed the Nudge – Timothy King
“I said, ‘Okay, I’ll listen,’” Timothy remembers when the Holy Spirit nudged him to talk with a co-worker about the Lord. As a Watch Commander, Timothy was always interrupted by radio calls. But at the moment when he witnessed an officer under his command, not one call came through. Find out what happened next and how you can obey when the Holy Spirit calls you to share your faith.