We have so many stories in our lives that can impact everyone around us. Find a story that connects with that person’s need and share with them how God has impacted your life through that experience. Connecting a story to someone’s need is a perfect way to begin sharing your faith!
Tag: Get Started
God Accepts Everyone
There are no requirements for entering into the Kingdom of Heaven apart from the confession of sins and seeking God’s Forgiveness for sins through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And there’s no place in scripture that makes this truth more clear than the thief on the cross. As he was dying, he acknowledged Jesus for who He was and was told that even on that day he would be in paradise.
It’s often easier to reach a scoundrel with the Gospel than an unsaved “good person” who’s living an otherwise exemplary life. Good people often see themselves as being better than most Christians and have no interest in becoming one. They honestly believe they’re earning their way into Heaven. On the other hand, scoundrels know they’re separated from God and are feeling the heat. They are often responsive to the message that God loves them. So don’t be put off by outward appearances.
The next time you feel condemnation or put off by another person, remind yourself that God loves them as much as He loves you. He died for them as much as He died for you. Be thankful that you’re not trapped in their godless mindset and search for ways to move them closer to Jesus. They’re lost. How are they going to know this unless someone tells them? Unless you tell them?
Most important, don’t feel like you have to clean people up before you can get them saved. That’s not in the playbook. The Church has become very good at telling people why they’re going to Hell and fallen silent on the message that God loves them just as they are. Our job is to connect them with the God who loves them so He can save them…and then disciple them.
Find A Prayer Need
Ray Pokorny, father and Sr. Vice President of Masterworks, shares a great way to start sharing your faith by finding a prayer need for a person and asking if you can pray for them. Look for opportunities to share your experiences of how God is moving in your life that relates to their need!
Live a Life of Joy
Actions speak before our words, so by living a life of joy, people will see that and want it for themselves. Be sure to always connect your joy to God so they know who your source is!
Conversations Not Faith Arguments
Sharing your faith is not about arguing your faith. No one expects you to be an expert in apologetics nor should you try to be one. Those who argue are generally more interested in discord than answers. That’s why the scriptures admonish us to not argue with a fool (Proverbs 26:4) and to not cast your pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6). Simply said, avoid all arguments before they start. As a faith sharer, that’s not your role. It’s far better to confirm your faith and the existence of God by the power of your story and the basic truths of the Gospel message. When the blind man yelled, “I was blind and now I can see,” everyone listened. It wasn’t deep theological arguments that won the multitudes or the ability of the early church to quote scripture. It was the unmistakable veracity and authenticity of transformed lives powered by the Holy Spirit that made it so easy for unbelievers to believe.
It’s important to add a basic understanding of why an all-powerful, omnipotent God would create us in His Own Image, allow us to live in danger, poverty and starvation, and possibly end up in the fires of Hell. At first glance, that appears to be the opposite of a loving God.
But God’s existence is overwhelmingly confirmed through His Perfect Plan for our redemption and Eternal Life with Him in Heaven. He created us out of love, giving us the Free Will to choose how we live our lives, our priorities and our God. And just as any parent uses punishments and rewards for disciplining and encouraging good behavior, God describes the horrors of Hell and the joys of Heaven in detail to encourage us to make Him the God of our lives. And then He lovingly leaves that choice to us.
God doesn’t send good people to Hell because none of us are good. We’ve all sinned and fallen short, and the wages of sin is death, but the Gift of God is Eternal Life through Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 3:23 and 6:23). God does everything possible to encourage us to accept His Gift of Eternal Life through the death and resurrection of His Son. But justice would not be served if He forced us to accept Him. It is each person’s choice and everyone who goes to Hell has made the wrong choice.
At the same time, it would be unfair and unjust for a pure and holy God to ignore the sinfulness of His People and allow everyone into Heaven. That’s why He sent His Only Begotten Son to die on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins. He literally took our place and paid the penalty for our sins so that we can stand before Him, pardoned for our sin and clothed in His Righteousness.
As a just God who cannot tolerate injustice. There is no just way for us to be allowed into Heaven without: (1) confessing our sins to Almighty God, and (2) receiving His Forgiveness and His Pardon for our sins. We can only do this because Jesus intentionally took our place and paid our debt with His Blood on the Cross to set us free!
Only a loving God would do that!
I Will Remember
How many times has God stepped into your life and worked a miracle? It’s so easy to ask for God’s help and then forget to thank Him after His rescue. You need to stop and remember and give God praise for His faithfulness for your own edification and for the edification of everyone God prompts you to share your story with. People who are struggling now with what you were struggling with then and whose lives can be changed forever by your story of God’s faithfulness to you! No one can tell these stories but you and how foolish to waste them on just yourself when they can impact multitudes of lives. Your stories are powerful because they’re real and they have the power to change lives every time you use them to move people closer to Jesus!
Today’s a Great Day!
An awesome way to start a conversation about your faith is to simply say, “Today is a great day!” while you’re waiting in line for your coffee, or to your mailman, or to anyone you meet for that matter! Renee Vinson gives us a great tip on how she shares her faith with everyone she meets!
God In Heaven
Pastor Steve Wilburn is a faith-sharing machine! One of his favorite ways to share his faith is telling people that there is a God that loves them. You’d be surprised to know of how many people have never heard that!
Don’t Run From Hard Questions – Dr. Jerry Root
Author and Professor, Dr. Jerry Root, gives a great example for a response to a difficult question you may be asked when sharing your faith!
Sowing Seeds
Pastor Jonathan Laurie tells us that we’re probably not going to lead someone to Christ the first time we share our faith, but do not let that stop you from sharing! Some people sow seeds, some water, and some harvest, but it’s our job to do our part by sharing the love of God with every person we meet!