Season 2, Episode 3

Filling the Void

Host Barry Meguiar shares his thoughts on how removing God from our society has effectively invited chaos into our world. Satan is having a field day and, as Christians, we are allowing it. As Satan continues to blind the minds of the masses, we must take every opportunity…

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Show Notes

When we, as a nation, began to move away from God, we moved toward conflict, anger, and division. Our problems are not racial or political, but spiritual. Where God created a void in us that only He can fill, we’ve been trying to fill it with everything but Him. The only cure is to fill that void with Jesus so that people will begin to see evil as evil and we’ll be a Christian nation once again.

Host Barry Meguiar is a car guy and businessman who hosted the popular TV show, Car Crazy, on Discovery Networks for 18 years. He loves cars, but he loves Jesus even more! Learn more about Barry at

Get your copy of Barry’s book Ignite Your Life: Defeat Fear with Effortless Faith at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and other online booksellers.

Learn more about:

–        Why leading people to Jesus is patriotic.

–        What percentage of Americans believe the Bible is the inspired word of God.

–        How to remove the “scales” from people’s eyes.

–        When we’ll begin to see a shift toward peace.

–        Why we must always share our faith.

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Episode Transcript

Barry Meguiar  00:00

Music. Welcome back to ignite. You know, I’ve been thinking about this statement, how far we have fallen when I was a kid, you know, like 80% of the people around us were serving God and going to church. We were a Christian nation, and that is now down to 20% you know, only 20% of Americans believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Only 20% do you know it’s about 50% at best, of our population has a biblical worldview, even among our pastors. Some statistics say that it’s more like 45% of our pastors hold a biblical worldview, which is just basically, Jesus was born a virgin, lived a sinless life, died for our sins, rose again. It’s not complicated, and yet, so if you carry that belief today, how’s that possible? Uh, Pew did a research on 50,000 sermons coming from about 6000 churches, they found that only 10% of sermons even mentioned salvation anymore. I mean, it’s unbelievable where we are, and it’s taken us 60 years to get there. Of course, we turned our back on God. Back in the 60s, we took God out of the courtroom and out of our classrooms, even the Pledge of Allegiance. I mean, we just, we just turned our back on God and and Satan’s taken full advantage of that second Corinthians, four, four talks about, I mentioned often how he, Satan is the god of this word, and he is, he’s blinding the minds of our of our population, and so they’re making all the wrong decisions, thinking they’re great decisions. Bottom line is, if anybody asks you, Why are we in this trouble, I’ll give you an easy answer that nobody can argue. When we move as a country or as an individual away from God, the further away we get from God, the more chaos we’re going to have and conflict and anger and divisions, the closer and everybody agrees with that. Everybody. I don’t care who they are. I talk to people that are not Christian all the time, and they say, Yeah, that’s true. And I said, and do you understand that the closer we get back to God, the closer we get to God as a country or as an individual, the more peace and joy and love we have. Oh, yeah, so you just led people to understanding that American America’s problems are not racial and they’re not political. They can’t be solved in Washington, DC. They’re spiritual. These are spiritual problems. I work with Teen Challenge, Karen, I worked with Teen Challenge for since the 1970s and it’s the largest program in the world for getting people off of drugs, 86% cure rate. How do they do that? We describe it this way, very simplistically. I like simplistic answers to complex questions, and we explain that God creates us with a void that only he can fill, and we try to fill that void with drugs, or what, sex, money, fame, whatever you name it, and that every one of those things satisfies for a moment, and then then you want more. That problem is solved. The reason Teen Challenge has an 86% cure rate is we fill that void with Jesus. We need to fill that void with 80% of Americans. And of course, the world, I don’t want to just stay focused on America, but that’s where we are at the moment, and that 80% of our population is our target audience. That’s, that’s, that’s who we live with. You and I, here’s the good news. Again. I mentioned, I’ll mention it over, over 80% of the unchurched are searching for God. Is a huge opportunity. I have been sharing my faith, Karen, I’ve been sharing our faiths with people for over 50 years, 51 years every day, and I can tell you with credibility, it’s never been easier. I mean, you can do it in your sleep. You can do it blindly. You can’t miss you. Start mentioning how God loves people. People want to know what they would like to believe God loves them. They’re starving for what you have. So here’s the point of this podcast. The most patriotic thing you can do is to lead people to Jesus. Seriously, the most patriotic thing you can do is to lead people to Jesus. Because when you lead people to Jesus, the scams come off their eyes and they see evil is evil, not evil is good. They see evil as evil, that’s bad. I don’t want that. And they’ll elect righteous leaders, and they’ll vote for righteous issues, and we’ll be a Christian nation again. Thinking about it, there’s no question we’ll be a Christian nation again. That’s the truth. Wow. Try to get busy. All right. I. See you next time you.

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