Season 2, Episode 4

All Things Work Together for Good

Always remember that God, not man, is your source for everything. When you get turned down for the sale, or by the bank, or have a flat tire, or find yourself in a chemo ward, it’s never by accident when you’re living your life for God’s purpose. God never says “oops!” He’s up to something! People don’t expect you to love on them when things go south for you.

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Learn more about:

– What percentage of believers are sharing their faith.

– Where the Bible explains some of what we’re seeing today.

– Why it’s so important to share the Gospel with the lost.

– How important it is for people to learn about God and His love.

– Who the ruler of the world is

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Episode Transcript

Barry Meguiar  00:00

You know, it’s so easy to sing the songs and pray their prayers agree with the sermons on Sunday and yet finding their truths to be far from us on Monday. So what good is it anyway? Why should we even bother to go to church beyond the fellowship of the saints? Obviously, if the words on Sunday fail to match the walk on Monday, something’s wrong. It’s a harsh world, and bad things happen, and even good people do bad things to us, and sometimes the world seems so unjust because it is, in fact, it’s lost. We live in a post Christian society where 80% of our population rarely, if ever, goes to church. They’re lost. And the word tells us Satan blinds the eyes of the lost so they can’t even discern true right from true wrong. The question is, whose fault is that they’re lost and we’ve turned our lights out? How are they going to know unless someone tells them? But less than 1% of us are telling them. The harvest is great, but the labors are few, as our soul is being trodden under the foot of man right before our very eyes. You can’t change the world, but you can change your world. And when all of us start changing our worlds, we’ll change the world. Here’s how it works on a practical basis, sharing our faith is not an add on or an option. The Great Commission doesn’t say, Go ye into the world, all of you who are gifted or trained or paid. It’s for all of us. I’m sure you know that God’s plan for your life is far bigger than your plan. What you may not know is the scriptural path for knowing God is making everything your life work towards the fulfillment of his plan for your life. In other words, knowing that everything in your life, even the bad stuff, maybe particularly the bad stuff, is working together for your good. That promise in Romans 828, starts immediately when you begin living your life for God’s purpose to seek and save the loss that none should be lost. It starts immediately when you make the salvation of everyone you meet your highest priority. Always remember that God, not man, is your source for everything. When you get turned down for the sale or by the bank or have a flat tire, you find yourself in a chemo ward. It’s never by accident. When you’re living your life for God’s purpose, God never says oops, he’s up to something. People don’t expect you to love on them. When things go south for you, it’s not natural, It’s Supernatural. And every time you love on people in Jesus name, when things are bad, you’re telling God Your trust is in him and not in man and not in your circumstances, and you unleash his provision for making everything in your life work for good. Christian college students grow up in the cocoon of their Christian homes and colleges, immersed in the word and their faith, and then they leave it all behind as they face the challenge of finding a job with a continual turn down speak a continual drain on their faith, except for those who understand God’s purpose for their life, shocking those who turn them down by loving on them and moving them closer to Jesus, knowing and so doing, God has you right where he wants you to complete his plan for your life. That’s a rush, and it’s the same for every stage of life, wherever you are in your walk right now you shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

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