Season 2, Episode 2

Two Commandments

Always remember that God, not man, is your source for everything. When you get turned down for the sale, or by the bank, or have a flat tire, or find yourself in a chemo ward, it’s never by accident when you’re living your life for God’s purpose. God never says “oops!” He’s up to something! People don’t expect you to love on them when things go south for you.

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Learn more about:

–        What percentage of believers are sharing their faith.

–        Where the Bible explains some of what we’re seeing today.

–        Why it’s so important to share the Gospel with the lost.

–        How important it is for people to learn about God and His love.

–        Who the ruler of the world is

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Episode Transcript

Barry Meguiar  00:00

You know, it’s interesting that God didn’t make the Great Commission go into the world and pray or go into the world and read the Bible. Why not praying and reading the Bible? God’s primary conduits for teaching us and telling us what He wants us to do. The problem is, we’re human, and we don’t always do what we’re told to do so while the Word of God has repleted its admonition to be His disciple, his ambassador, to be salt and light, to be the city set on a hill for all to see, called to the ministry of reconciliation, to be a defender of the faith, most Christians remain silent in their faith. In fact, less than 1% of us are actually sharing our faith on a daily basis. The fields are white for harvest, but the laborers are few. 86% of the end church know The world’s out of control. Would like to believe there’s a God who can make sense out of it, and are looking for somebody to tell them, but less than 1% of us are telling them. That’s the problem. 80% of our population is lost living their lives outside the walls of the church, and how are they going to know there’s a God who loves them, unless someone tells them, unless you tell them, we’ve stopped telling them, God help us. The word is consistent. It’s admonition that when we love God, truly love God, we’ll keep His commandments. That’s how we prove to God that we love him. We can say that we love him, even believe that we love him, but if we love him, we’ll keep His commandments. There’s no arguing that. The challenge is, how do we do that? It’s a tall order. But God made it easy when he was asked which of the commandments is the greatest. He answered, loving God is the first and greatest commandment, and and there’s a second one of equal importance, to love your neighbor as yourself. And then he made this mind boggling statement that when you fulfill these two commandments, you will have fulfilled them all. What that means you only have two to focus on, two commandments to do, not 10, and yet we satisfy all 10 such a deal. So let’s focus on these two commandments. All right, the loving God part is pretty easy. Love God with your whole heart and make him your highest priority. It’s the second of these two commandments that’s the most puzzling. Why is loving your neighbor all that important? Understand that it’s not speaking of those who live next door to your house. Okay? In a much wider context, it includes everyone you influence, if only for a moment or a visual, and when you love them as much you love yourself, you’re as concerned for their salvation as you are your own, which brings an entirely new level responsibility accountability into your life. In John 17, Jesus said, I sanctify Myself, not for my father, but for them, that they might also be sanctified. The Game Changer comes when you realize that everything you say and do every moment of every day leads people closer or further away from God. That’s why loving God and loving your neighbor fulfills all the law. Because when you value the salvation of everyone around you as much as you do your own you automatically fulfill the law, not out of obligation or legalism, but out of your passion to move everyone every day closer to Jesus, that’s your job.

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