10 Ways to Start God Centered Conversations

10 Ways to Start God Centered Conversations

Free, downloadable resource

These ‘Ten Easy Ways to Open God Centered Conversations’ are only meant to get you started … and will lead to hundreds more. While the task of leading people to Jesus is daunting and the consequences are eternal, the joy of leading people to the Lord is unexplainable.

Includes helpful suggestions like:

  • Ask people: “Is everything OK?”
  • Ask a server in a restaurant if you can pray for him or her
  • Mention something of interest that includes a reference to your church
  • Watch for stories people tell about unexpected “luck” and connect those experiences to God
  • Look for situations where your favorite Scripture is a perfect fit
  • PLUS 5 more easy-to-use conversation starters … with enhanced suggestions on how you can make each one clear, simple and inviting!
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